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Adwait (b. 1992) is a New Delhi-based curator and theorist engaging queer-feminist tropes and formats to probe the intersections of ecology, mysticism, subjectivity formation, contemporary technogenesis, and biopolitics. Theirs is an integrative practice that seeks to promote collective care, commensality, and dialogue within the arts ecology. Recent curations include the fifth edition of the Mardin Biennial (Mardin, 2022) that sought to revise mainstream perceptions on migration forwarding an economy of renouncement instead, and the fifteenth edition of the Queer Arts Festival (Vancouver, 2022) inviting a mutational politics as a counter to neo-colonial technics of exposure and their monitored replication of the status quo. Other significant projects include 'Mutarerium' (Mumbai, 2019) which questioned the terminology of the Anthropocene by examining a trifecta of more-than-human evolutionary timelines, and 'Caressing History' (New Delhi, 2018) exploring the possibility of a para-textual, embodied historiography. Their writings have appeared in various publications and periodicals.


Their writings have appeared in various publications and periodicals.

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